
Parallel Cluster Control Module:

The parallel cluster control module is used to assemble all the information necessary for a parallel computation on a Linux cluster or WAN computer grid. The methods that support a parallel analysis include the global genetic algorithm and 2-dimensional spectrum analysis. The following steps are involved for starting a run on the parallel cluster:

  1. Load a velocity experiment
  2. select one or more experiments from the run to be included in the global analysis
  3. Repeat the above 2 steps until all experiments have been included for the global fit.
  4. assign the experimental parameters using either the Genetic Algorithm Control or the 2-dimensional Spectrum Analysis Control
  5. write the grid control file
  6. Start the run

You start the UltraScan cluster control by clicking on "Parallel Cluster Interface" in the Global Fit sub-menu of the main menu.

Control Functions:

  • Load Data: Load edited data sets (with the *.us.* suffix). A file dialogue will allow you to select a previously edited and saved velocity experiment. If the data was edited with an older version of UltraScan than is supported in the current version, an error message will be displayed.
  • Run Details: View the diagnostic details for a particular run.
  • Add Dataset: After loading a run, you need to select a cell and wavelength for the fit.
  • Write Control File: Write out a control file for the parallel cluster. It contains all the pertinent information for fitting with the selected method.
  • Help: This help file
  • Close: Close the control module window.
  • Run Information:

  • Run ID: The name of the run given during editing
  • Temperature: The average temperature calculated from the entire run
  • Available Cells: The numbers the cells that contain analyzable data
  • Clicking on a cell and wavelength selection will bring up the cell contents description for that cell and wavelength. Scroll through this list to bring up information for cells > 3. If there is no data available for the selected cell, the program will list "No Data available". Selecting a cell/wavelength combination will automatically bring up the corresponding dataset.

    Analysis Controls:
    • GA Control - Load the Genetic Algorithm control window to define settings for a GA run.
    • 2D-SA Control - Load the 2-dimensional Spectrum Analysis controls to define the limits of a 2-dimensional Spectrum Analysis run.
    • Run Analysis: - Clicking on this buffon will start the parallel run.
    • Fit T-I noise Clicking on this button will cause the fitting algorithm to extract time invariant noise components from the experimental data and consider it in the fit.
    • Fit R-I noise Clicking on this button will cause the fitting algorithm to extract radially invariant noise components from the experimental data and consider it in the fit.

    Data Controls:
    • Exclude Single Scan: When setting this counter to a non-zero value, the respective scan will be highlighted in red. Clicking on "Excl. Single Scan" while a scan is highlighted in red will delete this scan from the analysis. Deleting scans from the analysis is irreversible and can only be reset by clicking on the "Reset" button or by reloading the data (when smoothing, the data is always automatically reloaded, causing the number of scans to be reset to the original count). Skipped scans are excluded automatically. Scans that are selected for exclusion are also marked with a vertical bar in the analysis plot, so you can easily identify which scan is about to be deleted.
    • Exclude Scan Range: Same as "Exclude Single Scan", except for multiple scans. To use this feature, select first the start scan of the range by using "Exclude Single Scan", then complete the scan range by using "Exclude Scan Range". Please see the van Holde - Weischet analysis tutorial to decide which scans are appropriate for analysis and which scans need to be excluded.
    This dialog lists all selected data sets. Double-clicking on any dataset entry allows you to remove it again from the list.

    www contact: Borries Demeler

    This document is part of the UltraScan Software Documentation distribution.
    Copyright © notice.

    The latest version of this document can always be found at:

    Last modified on November 27, 2005.